Local artist commissioned to transform Stevenage Bus Interchange

23 July 2024

Stevenage’s Bus Interchange is set to be transformed by local artist Donna Reeves.

Stevenage Borough Council and Junction 7 Creatives (J7C) will commission Donna Reeves to create a new, permanent piece of public art for the Bus Interchange, a major hub and part of the town’s extensive £1bn regeneration programme. The new artwork will be situated outside the main entrance to the Interchange – a highly prominent location where it will be seen and experienced by hundreds of people every day as part of their journeys through the town.

The council and J7C had over 30 applicants from artists for the commission. Of those applicants, five were shortlisted and gave presentations of their developed proposal to a panel consisting of council officers, J7C, and Councillor Loraine Rossati, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Wellbeing.

Donna’s artwork will be a mosaic sculpture directly in front of the entrance to the Stevenage Bus Interchange, bordered by two public thoroughfares running north towards Six Hills Way and east towards the Railway Station. As part of the commission, Donna will carry out workshops and sessions with the community to shape this project with the people of the town.

Donna Reeves comments: “I couldn’t be more excited to have been chosen to create this ambitious piece of community art for the Stevenage Bus Interchange. Stevenage has been a destination in the lives of my family for almost 70 years and has real significance for me and my family. I imagine the station as a crucible of personal stories and experiences that meld and reform, creating a striking structure and beautiful artwork comprised of multiple narratives. This sculpture needs the people of Stevenage to participate and contribute to the design, and I want local communities to feel a sense of ownership and really welcome the artwork”.

Cllr Loraine Rossati, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Wellbeing, added: “Art is for everyone and we wanted to commission a piece to reflect that.   Donna impressed us with her vision, understanding of Stevenage and her commitment to working with our local communities to produce a sculpture that can be owned by the town. I can’t wait to see her finished sculpture – it’ll be yet another reason to be proud of Stevenage.”

The commission forms part of the UK government’s Towns Fund grant to Stevenage, through the Stevenage Development Board. Stevenage received £37.5m in March 2021.

Adrian Hawkins OBE, Chair of the Stevenage Development Board, commented: “I am delighted that this project, which is supported by the Towns Fund, will be able to create and unveil one of the newest pieces of public art in Stevenage for a number of years.

“This mosaic sculpture will be situated outside the main entrance of our new Bus Interchange and will also be included within the forthcoming Arts and Heritage Trail. As with all our work, we will engage with the community in order to shape exactly what this will look like and in order to gain these views we will run a number of workshops and sessions.

“The newly commissioned work will add to the rich heritage that we already have in Stevenage for expressing the development and growth of our community through arts and culture.”

Winning artist Donna is a trained primary and secondary school teacher and will continue to host and run her hugely popular art workshops for all ages and abilities in her studio and retail space, “& by Donna Reeves” in Ware, Herts.

You can read more from Donna on her website: Home | & by Donna Reeves (andbydonnareeves.com)

The Stevenage Bus Interchange commission is intended as a pilot for a wider series of public art commissions to follow.

Stevenage Bus Interchange to open on Sunday 26 June

The new Stevenage Bus Interchange on Lytton Way will be opening on Sunday 26 June. The opening will see buses arrive and leave from this date to serve local communities and visitors. From this date, there will be no more services from the existing station on Danestrete.

Designed by Stephen George + Partners (SGP), the Bus Interchange was recently awarded ‘Project of the Year’ at the Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire Constructing Excellence Club Awards 2022. The awards highlight design and innovation in construction.

Construction on the new facility began in late 2020, funded by a £9.6 million Local Growth Fund Investment from Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). Passenger experience is a key focus, with modern facilities such as a climate controlled waiting area with seating, live passenger information boards, a fully accessible toilet and changing facilities, in addition to further unisex toilets with baby changing facilities. A café and shop will additionally be coming soon.

Visitors to the town centre will see an improved public environment with new granite planters, paving and additional seating areas, improving the walkway from the town centre to the Bus Interchange. This includes seating and newly landscaped areas with planted trees and wildflower meadow areas with bulbs to add colour, but also performing a vital role as part of a sustainable drainage strategy. The project has also delivered new coach stands along Lytton Way – a new facility including shelter, seating and live information boards. The new landscaped cycle and walking routes connect the railway station, coach stands and the new Interchange to the Town Centre.

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, said: “This is a really exciting development for Stevenage, offering our communities and visitors an improved bus experience right in the centre of the town. The opening of the award-winning Interchange brings with it modern facilities, an improved public realm and increased accessibility between our main transport hubs. Furthermore, this marks a pivotal moment in our wider regeneration programme, as we look ahead to a proposed new development at the soon-to-be vacant bus station site on Danestrete. We are delighted to have a confirmed opening date and would like to thank all of our partners for helping us to achieve this”.

Cllr Lloyd Briscoe, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport at Stevenage Borough Council, commented: “We are creating a sustainable travel hub for Stevenage of which the Bus Interchange is a key element. Together with the Interchange, the new multi-storey car park – which is under construction and will include spaces for electric vehicle charging and secure storage for bikes – and the railway station will offer residents and visitors a number of ways to travel”.

Live passenger information boards have been installed within the Interchange, providing real time information as to the status of services to and from the town. These will enable passengers to better plan their travel and be kept informed in real-time regarding their journey.

Adam Wood, Head of Infrastructure & Regeneration and Herts IQ Programme Manager at Hertfordshire LEP, said: “We see this as a game-changer for Stevenage. The Bus Interchange marks the next major step in the reinvigoration of the town centre and demonstrates the importance of carefully targeted public investment to secure major private sector regeneration schemes. We very much welcome the improved connectivity that this new transport Interchange will bring to Stevenage, both for those already travelling around the town and to encourage more people to come for work and leisure.

“The LEP invested £9.6m Local Growth Fund in the Interchange which is a key element of our £34m Local Growth Fund commitment towards the town’s regeneration, which is already providing new homes, public amenities, and retail and business space to maximise the town’s economic potential. We look forward to seeing Stevenage evolve!”

Accessibility between the main transport hubs and town centre has been enhanced, with level access pedestrian crossings across Lytton Way. This provides an alternative route to the bridge.

Simon Mathieson, Area Operations Director – Midlands & South from Arriva, the primary bus operator using the Stevenage Interchange, added: “We are pleased that the new Stevenage Bus Interchange is completed and ready for use, we are excited to see our passengers enjoy the brand-new facilities that this investment into the local transport network will have on them.”

A planning application has been submitted to the local planning authority for proposals to transform the current bus station on Danestrete when the Bus Interchange opens and the existing station becomes vacant.

Work starts on landmark development in Stevenage

Following granting of planning permission by Stevenage Borough Council for the £66 million development which will become the European Manufacturing Headquarters of Autolus, a ground breaking ceremony was held today (8 November) at the former Marshgate carpark site.

This marks a milestone for the start of the works and was attended by representatives from Stevenage Borough Council, Autolus USA and UK, Reef Estates, UBS, Stevenage Development Board, Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and Stevenage Bio-Science Catalyst.

The development by Reef Estates received planning permission in August 2021, with work planned to start immediately and scheduled for completion in 2023.

Autolus, a biopharmaceutical company listed on the NASDAQ, are focused on the development of precisely targeted, controlled and highly active T Cell therapies that are designed to offer cancer patients substantial benefits over existing standards of care and this facility will be the UK’s first purpose built CAR T- Cell manufacturing unit and will assist in the growth of the Cell and Gene therapy cluster in Stevenage (currently the third largest in the world).

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council said: “I am very proud that Stevenage is home to a world-leading life science cluster already. This development will further enhance this and cement our standing as a leading STEM location within the UK. Autolus’s work perfectly complements the activities of the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult already in Stevenage. We look forward to continuing to support this work with the life sciences sector to put Stevenage on the national map for the life science sector.”

Cllr Sandra Barr, Mayor of Stevenage said: “As we celebrate our 75th anniversary this year, it gives me great pleasure to see this happening right here in the town centre, bringing with it enormous benefits for the people of Stevenage, which includes employment and apprenticeship opportunities for young people – our next generation.”

Cllr John Gardner, Executive Portfolio Holder for Regeneration & Environment at Stevenage Borough Council, added:  “Today’s event marks an important milestone for Autolus developing their European Manufacturing Headquarters in Stevenage, and a key moment for our regeneration and Towns Fund programme. We’ve retained part of the Marshgate site as a car park to serve the needs of the local community and I look forward to this development bringing footfall to our town and supporting the local economy.”

Olivia Drew at UBS-AM REPM commented: “We are very excited to partner with Reef on a GMP-led facility in the centre of Stevenage, a globally recognised hub of scientific innovation. Stevenage offers all of the key structural drivers we see as being necessary to support a thriving life sciences eco-system, as demonstrated by Autolus’ significant commitment to the area. We would also like to thank Stevenage Borough Council and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for their ongoing support of this development.”

Will Rohleder, Development Director at Reef Group said: “This has been fantastic public /private partnership to realise such an important facility in Stevenage town centre. Autolus have decided to locate their manufacturing HQ in the town creating over 400 jobs and committing their future to Stevenage, which is experiencing significant investment and regeneration. We look forward to working with all parties to complete this first phase and bring forward our wider life science vision for the town centre over the next few years.”

The 81,000 sq. ft. building will focus on strong environmental credentials and is targeting BREEAM excellent rating Through net-zero carbon emission design that uses heat source pumps and heat recovery systems, significantly reducing waste through the use of 5D BIM technology and, through hybrid construction with 75% offsite manufactured content, resulting in significantly reduced carbon emissions.

Adrian Hawkins OBE, Chairman, Stevenage Development Board said: “From our first meeting with Autolus in January 2021, the Regeneration Team at Stevenage Borough Council have demonstrated both their clear ability, knowledge and speed in proposing sites and several contractors to Autolus which has since resulted in the swift progress to planning permission, now approved, for the new Autolus HQ, to be developed by Reef.”

Dr Sally Ann Forsyth OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst said: “At Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst (SBC) we have built a world class cluster of excellence accelerating the translation of cutting-edge science to improve the health and quality of people’s lives. We are delighted to continue our relationship with Autolus, which has been based at SBC since 2018, as it moves onto its next stage of development working with Reef and further strengthening the cluster here in Stevenage.”

Co-Space joins the regeneration programme

Flexible workspace specialist HEWN has advised Co-Space on the signing of a new 10 year agreement, over three floors at 21-29 Town Square to provide a high quality, flexible workspace operation as part of the new mixed use regeneration of Stevenage Town Centre.

The deal signed between Co-Space and Stevenage Borough Council represents the first phase of the Town Centre redevelopment and will provide over 15,000 sq.ft. of design led, in-demand workspace as well as a roof terrace, event space and break out areas for communal use.

As part of “Stevenage Better”, Stevenage Borough Council is carrying out a full regeneration of the post war new Town costing over £1bn over a 20 year period which will deliver over 7,300 new properties by 2028, an expanded railway station, improved transport and connectivity links as well as new retail, sports and leisure facilities.

Part of this work is being funded by a £34m Local Growth Fund investment from Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), including £1.5m towards the regeneration of 21-29 Town Square to provide much needed business space within the town centre.

With its super-fast train links to London (22 mins) and the East Coast main line running to Edinburgh, as well as direct access to the A1, Stevenage offers a fantastic opportunity for the perceived new way of working post COVID-19.

The “hub and spoke” model of working, where business, both large and small, can allow employees and owners to work near home 1-3 days a week whilst travelling to a central hub for the rest of the week is increasingly being seen as the way that people will want to work.

Alistair Thomas, co-founder at Co-Space commented: “We are very excited to be working with Stevenage Brough Council to provide the first of its kind flexible workspace offering in Stevenage.  Working together, we are creating a space that will meet the needs of businesses and individuals who are looking for a workspace and community that is created for them and represents their working practices. With the rise of people moving outside of central London we feel Stevenage is a great place to not only work, but to live.”

Adam Wood, Head of Infrastructure & Regeneration at Hertfordshire LEP, said: “Our investment will help convert previously unused space at the heart of Stevenage into a vibrant and modern workspace for local entrepreneurs and SMEs. As we move forward out of the pandemic, it is vital for both the county’s economic recovery and the vitality of our places, that we provide the facilities and infrastructure needed to enable businesses to flourish locally, in order to increase employment opportunities for local people and encourage footfall to town centres during the working week.”

Will Kinnear, director of HEWN commented: “Stevenage Borough Council had a vision for the workspace to be provided as part of the Town Centre regeneration and we were delighted to be able to introduce the team at Co-Space to achieve this.  The workspace will not only provide the Town Centre with a product that meets the needs of occupiers but will also form an integral part of the mixed use offering moving forward”.

HEWN acted on behalf of Co-Space and Sanderson Weatherall represented Stevenage Borough Council.

The First New Town – An Exciting Future

Innovation Corridor
Adrian Hawkins
22 october 2020

When times are at their most difficult it can often be hard to look ahead and see the positives which are there for us all. It is important though that we do seize the opportunities that present themselves and now is just such a point in time, for Stevenage.

As the independent Chairman of the Stevenage Development Board, I am so proud of the transition which the first New Town is now making, as it becomes such a progressive place to live and work.

The recent classification by the Department of International Trade of Stevenage as a High Potential Opportunity zone (HPO) underlines just how much progress the town has made in such a short space of time – and just what an exciting future it has.

The HPO classification was made in recognition of Stevenage’s thriving cell and gene therapy cluster, and it underlines what a centre of innovation the town has become.

And while of course we must recognise that Covid-19 is having a major impact on our present, towns such as Stevenage are proving to be resilient to this and are clearly going to be the places of the future, where shrewd investment, both Public and Private, will help to create high quality local jobs and truly great lifetime opportunities with the support of an ever growing Business sector in the Town.

Our Towns Fund bid is nearing completion and will shortly be submitted to Government for due consideration. It will create the opportunity for the long- term development of the Town as the ideal environment for our innovative businesses and our very capable residents to continue to develop.

Boost to parking as funding secured to deliver new car park

Stevenage Borough Council and the Local Enterprise Partnership have secured over £1m worth of funding through the Government’s Growth Deal 3 (GD3) programme to develop a new multi-story car park in the town centre and to facilitate vital enabling works to support regeneration plans.

Parking availability has been raised as a concern in the various consultations the council and its partners have held in recent years. The new facility will be based to the North of the Railway Station and will act as a sustainable transport hub including secure cycle storage and car parking, linking to the Railway Station and new Bus Interchange.

It will help to manage the future growth in demand for parking created by the ongoing 20-year, £1bn regeneration programme in the town centre and will provide additional spaces for both commuters and people living and working in Stevenage. The scheme will also help to cover the loss of existing surface car parks that are being redeveloped as part of the wider regeneration programme.

The development has been funded through the Growth Deal 3 programme put forward by the government which Stevenage Borough Council and the LEP have bid for. This is the second Growth Deal the council has successfully bid for in recent years, with funding from Growth Deal 1 being invested into a variety of public realm improvements such as the redevelopment of Market Place and the Town Square along with acquiring additional land in preparation for future regeneration programmes

Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE, said.

We recognised the need for new facilities and have put together bids to secure funding opportunities meaning these developments, like our wider regeneration programme, come at no additional costs to residents. The sustainable hub will also benefit the greater number of people who are cycling or walking to the station or to the various employers based nearby. And, with more people living and working in the town centre in the future, we know there will be a need for additional parking. It may not be the most exciting of all our upcoming programmes, but it’s key to unlocking additional growth and investment in Stevenage.”

You can find out more about the ongoing regeneration programme at www.Stevenage-Even-Better.com

Stevenage named High Potential Opportunity Zone by Government

The Department for International Trade (DIT) has classified Stevenage, Hertfordshire, as a High Potential Opportunity (HPO) zone in recognition of its thriving cell and gene therapy cluster of national and international significance. The successful HPO nomination was made by Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and is expected to help attract further overseas investment into the county.

Stevenage is at the centre of the largest cluster of cell and gene therapy companies outside of the US. The growing cell and gene therapy campus in Stevenage is delivering over 1,000 jobs and is home to over 45 companies, 13 of which are in the cell and gene therapy space.

The campus was awarded Life Science Opportunity Zone status for advanced therapies in 2019 by the Office for Life Sciences. It is jointly anchored by Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, whose occupiers have raised over £1.6bn of investment to date, of which over 65% has been invested into cell and gene therapy companies; and the pioneering Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, which has built its Manufacturing Centre in Stevenage, and which has been instrumental to the growth of the UK’s cell and gene therapy industry.

DIT’s High Potential Opportunities programme was launched in 2018 to encourage and accelerate foreign direct investment into the UK’s key growth sectors, in line with Government’s Industrial Strategy. There are currently 17 HPOs throughout the UK, and an additional 19 HPOs will be developed over the course of Round 2. HPO status denotes specific commercial opportunities to potential overseas investors, which are packaged into a compelling commercial proposition for promotion through DIT’s global network. This can help accelerate the growth of business and industry, boost local job creation and prosperity, and strengthen the UK’s sectorial advantage.

Cell and gene therapy is a sector of strategic importance to the UK’s life sciences industry, highlighted by the ‘Global Sales Pitch for Life Sciences’ as a core part of the country’s life sciences ecosystem. Since 2018 the UK has seen £1.7bn invested in the cell and gene therapy sector, a 60% increase in cell and gene therapy manufacturing space, and a 200% increase in industry turnover. The UK is developing further expertise and capacity in cell and gene therapies, with the global market predicted to grow to $6.6bn by 2027.

HPO status will enable the existing cell and gene therapy cluster centered around Stevenage to be promoted more effectively on the world stage to bring about fresh opportunities for growth. Hertfordshire LEP, the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult and Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst will work closely with DIT over the coming months to help progress opportunities for inward investment.

Adrian Hawkins, Chairman of the Stevenage Development Board, said: “In line with the Government’s Town Investment Plan, and our wider 20-year, £1bn programme, we are not only regenerating Stevenage but also focusing intently on building opportunities for local people. Our town is on the up and this is yet another example that Stevenage is at the forefront of bioscience development and expertise across Europe and beyond. We are delighted that the collective impact of our cell and gene therapy businesses has enabled the town to be named a High Potential Opportunity zone, which will shine the spotlight on Stevenage on a global stage and in turn, support the delivery of real opportunities for local people.”

Cllr John Gardner, portfolio holder for Environment and Regeneration at Stevenage Borough Council “We’re delighted to see Stevenage gain further recognition and be named as one of the UK’s HPO zones. It’s indicative of some of the amazing work that’s carried out in our town and will hopefully encourage further growth and investment. Stevenage has a lot to be proud of and this represents another fantastic accolade for our town.”

Nitin Dahad, Chair of Hertfordshire LEP’s Enterprise & Innovation Board, said: “We are delighted with the success of our HPO nomination for Stevenage. The HPO underlines the significance of Hertfordshire’s burgeoning advanced therapies cluster to UK plc, as well as its major growth potential. The sheer concentration of cell and gene expertise, R&D and manufacturing capability in Stevenage makes a compelling case for the inward investment needed to catalyse expansion and create high quality local jobs.”

Matthew Durdy, Chief Executive Officer at Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult commented: “The UK cell and gene therapy industry is continuing to grow thanks to the strong Government backing and the unique supportive ecosystem that enables companies to develop and therapies to reach patients effectively. With one in four European cell and gene therapy companies already operating here, and the UK accounting for 12% of the global clinical trials, we are looking forward to this additional recognition providing further opportunities to develop additional capabilities for the UK to maintain its world renowned position.”

Sally Ann Forsyth, Chief Executive Officer at Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst commented: “We are delighted that Stevenage is being recognised for its significant contribution to the cell and gene therapy field. The new HPO status ensures we can support the pioneering work of our occupiers and continue to grow as Europe’s cell and gene therapy hub.”

Minister for Investment Gerry Grimstone said“The UK has so much to offer international investors across a variety of key sectors and regions. Our HPO programme looks at some of the sectors and sites across the UK where we see some of the world’s greatest challenges being solved. Inward investment will help the UK build back better while levelling up all parts of the UK. This is just the start of the steps we are taking to increase inward investment and drive economic recovery.”

Hertfordshire LEP is also part-funding a new Cell and Gene Integration Lab in Stevenage to cultivate the skills pipeline crucial to meeting current and future business needs. The lab will harness the expertise of the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult and provide the UK’s first digital training centre specifically equipped for advanced therapy manufacturing. It is one of five ‘shovel-ready’ projects selected to receive a share of Hertfordshire LEP’s £16.8m allocation from Government’s Getting Building Fund, launched in response to COVID-19 to help accelerate economic recovery and job creation across the country.