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Our vision is to transform the centre of Stevenage so that it once again represents the aspirations of its people, and makes it an attractive proposition in which to live, work, and play.
We want to invest for the future; refresh, improve and develop our entire town whilst retaining its unique culture and history, and restore Stevenage to its former glory.
No more nightmare commutes
Nathaniel’s story

Stevenage saved me from my commuting woes, and made me the envy of my office! I know I shouldn’t, but every time my colleagues run into the office late, looking a bit worse for wear and complaining about their ‘nightmare commutes’ into work, I can’t help but have a big grin on my face. Of course I’m not taking pleasure in my poor workmate’s misfortune, instead I’m just over the moon that since my move to Stevenage, my nightmare commutes are a thing of the past.
“Living in Stevenage means I get the best of both worlds…and I wouldn’t change it for a thing.”

Taking the rush out of rush hour
I couldn’t quite believe it when I heard that I could get from Stevenage to King’s Cross in less than 20 minutes. But, sure enough, my alarm goes off at 7.45am, I’m up and out of the house by 8.15am, and after a quick bike ride to the station in time for my 8.21am train, I’m in Moorgate with plenty of time to grab some breakfast on the way to the office.
Stevenage’s top rail connectivity
My job sometimes requires me to travel a bit further afield than the quick trip into London; I’ve recently been given a new client in Cambridge, and occasionally need to pop over to Paris for business. Thankfully living in Stevenage makes these trips a breeze too. Cambridge and Stansted airport are both a 45-minute drive away, I can be at Luton airport in half an hour, and the Eurostar at King’s Cross even quicker. Perfect for those business trips to Paris… or if I fancy a winter getaway!
An affordable commuter town
You can be forgiven for thinking I pay a fortune to have London, Luton, and connections to key UK destinations right on my doorstep, but Stevenage today is one of the most affordable commuter towns in proximity to London, and my house cost a fraction of what I would’ve paid for a similar property in St. Albans or Watford.
Living in Stevenage means I get the best of both working in the city, and living in the countryside – with just a short commute between the two. I’m home by 7pm in the evening, and still full of energy to hit the gym or go for a run in one of the many green spaces nearby, and I wouldn’t change it for a thing.”
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