Stevenage featured in Harrington Review of Foreign Direct Investment

Stevenage and its expanding Life Sciences sector has been featured in the Harrington Review of Foreign Direct Investment (November 2023). Lord Harrington’s Review looks at how the UK can better attract foreign direct investment into key growth sectors, ensuring the UK is the most attractive destination in Europe for internationally mobile investment.

With the third largest cluster in the world of cell and gene therapy companies, the case study from Stevenage and partners Reef Group and investor UBS focuses on delivering inward investment through a proactive planning approach, providing growth for the local area and the local cluster, as well as supporting Life Sciences nationally.

Stevenage is a proud home to companies from across the STEM industries, and this case study demonstrates why the town is so important for Life Sciences.

Turn to page 78 to find out more, and to see how we are uniquely placed to continue to encourage growth and secure investment which will bring huge benefits such as jobs and opportunities for local people, strengthening our local economy and communities.

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A relocated Stevenage Museum: Your feedback

As part of long-term transformation proposals for Stevenage Town Centre, the relocation of Stevenage Museum is in its early stages of discussion. Earlier this year, Stevenage Borough Council asked the local community to share their views on what people would expect from a relocated museum.

Almost 300 people completed the survey, providing important feedback as we look to further celebrate and expand the museum so that the rich history of the town can continue to be told.

Stevenage Museum is well loved by the community and you told us that it is friendly and welcoming with informative and educational displays. However, you find it to be small and dark, and hard to find. The community would like to see the museum relocated to a more central location with different opening hours, and improved facilities including a café and better toilet facilities, including accessible toilets.

Questions were also asked about future activities and events within the future space. Family friendly activities, educational events such as object handling and interactive experiences such as virtual reality, were most important to you.

Cllr Richard Henry, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, commented: “I would like to thank everyone who answered this survey, providing important information which will help us to deliver a museum that our communities have helped to shape.  Our ambition is that this new space is an even better focal point to celebrate the arts and culture of our town, allowing us to better celebrate our heritage”.

Cllr Loraine Rossati, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Information Technology, said: “We are committed to working with our communities, and will continue to involve local people and communities in developing our future museum. The feedback shared demonstrates how people are keen to work with us, and we look forward to returning with further opportunities for feedback in due course”.

Jo Ward, Curator at Stevenage Museum, added: “There is so much for everyone to see and enjoy at the museum, and we value feedback shared to help us create exhibitions and exhibits that are enjoyed by everyone. Relocation gives us this opportunity to be more ambitious and to expand our programme more widely. Thank you to everyone who participated!”

Work continues on the museum relocation and updates – including further opportunities to comment – will be shared in the future.

Railway North Car Park wins award

Stevenage’s Railway North car park, adjacent to Stevenage Railway Station, has been jointly awarded ‘Best New Car Park’ in a town or city at this year’s British Parking Awards.

The award recognises outstanding design and construction techniques that turn car parks into landmark structures. The car park must deliver an excellent driving and parking experience, alongside creating an attractive, safe and aesthetically pleasing environment that displays green thinking.

Opened in May 2023 with 622 spaces, including spaces for electric vehicle charging and blue badge parking, driver experience is at the heart of the car park. This includes no columns for ease of manoeuvring. The facility benefits from solar panels to aid sustainability.

Delivered by contractor HUBER car park systems UK Ltd, the car park received funding from the Government’s Towns Fund. Stevenage Development Board secured £37.5m, the second joint highest bid in the country. £1.1m was contributed as part of the multi-million pound Growth Deal funding secured by Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership for Stevenage regeneration.

The exterior is distinguishable due to its unique façade. The bold design marks the entrance to the town from the Railway Station, celebrating the achievements of Stevenage in the fields of science and technology alongside recognising the communities of the town.

The Railway North car park has recently also been awarded the Park Mark Plus award, the first car park in Hertfordshire to receive this. Park Mark Plus is a comprehensive assessment demonstrating the highest quality of today’s modern car parks in services, operations, design and build. The award of Park Mark Plus demonstrates that its facility provides police-approved accredited parking and has reached the standards of the Disabled Parking Accreditation and a range of environmental, structural, operational and customer services criteria.

Cllr Richard Henry, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, commented: “Receiving two awards for the multi-storey car park demonstrates our commitment to providing the best. This facility has been judged as being best in class and through its bold design marks not only the scientific milestones that have come from the town but also creates a real welcome to Stevenage. We are meeting the expectations of consumers in the modern day and providing for the future with a car park with experience and useability at its heart, which includes dedicated secure cycle parking. Both of these accreditations are fantastic and set the standard for partnership working across the town and county”.

Adrian Hawkins OBE, Chair of Stevenage Development Board and Chair of Hertfordshire LEP, commented: “Stevenage Development Board is delivering a visionary regeneration programme supported by a diverse range of stakeholders including the LEP, to transform the town into a vibrant and thriving STEM hub. We are raising the bar for town centre transformations by planning and delivering to the highest specification, and this award is a brilliant reflection of our shared commitment to excellence.”

Cllr Lloyd Briscoe, Executive Member for Economy and Transport at Stevenage Borough Council commented: “This facility provides an enhanced user experience, contributing to a sustainable travel hub which offers people choices as to how they can travel. We are strengthening what the town has to offer, enhancing the welcome to visitors, encouraging businesses to expand and supporting communities across Hertfordshire. I hope that people enjoy using an award winning car park which is safe, accessible and well-maintained”.

Markus Lauble, Managing Director, HUBER car park systems UK Ltd, added: “Right from the start of this project, we enjoyed a positive, open and transparent working partnership with Stevenage Borough Council, and are delighted that the end product proved to be an award-winning mobility hub we can all be extremely proud of.”

Community asked to help shape relocated Stevenage Museum

As part of long-term transformation proposals for Stevenage town centre, the relocation of Stevenage Museum is in its early stages of discussion. This would see the museum relocate from its current home in the under croft of the Church of St Andrew and St George to a space in the centre of the town. Stevenage Borough Council is asking the community to share their views on what they expect from a relocated museum.

Stevenage Museum is a key feature of Stevenage town centre. Showcasing the history of the town, along with a programme of events for all the family, the museum is a much-loved community space that celebrates the arts, culture and history of the UK’s first New Town. It deserves to be celebrated and expanded so that the rich history of the town can continue to be told.

If you’re a resident, community group or business, please complete our survey with your thoughts and ideas on what should be incorporated within a relocated museum. The aim is to create a multi-purpose museum with the flexibility to adapt to different kinds of activities, events and exhibitions.

The closing date for completing the survey is Friday 7 July at 3pm. The survey can be found online via, with hard copies available at Stevenage Museum and Stevenage Central Library.

Cllr Richard Henry, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, commented: “Our ambition is that this new space is an even better focal point to celebrate the arts and culture of our town, allowing us to better celebrate our heritage. We are the UK’s first New Town and throughout our regeneration we have sought to embed our heritage, arts and culture into the wider programme. The museum project sits at the epicentre of this”.

Cllr Loraine Rossati, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Information Technology, said: “This is only the start of our plan to involve local people and communities in how our museum develops. We have so much history to be proud of across the town, and we encourage everyone to use this opportunity to be part of this journey with the museum”.

Jo Ward, Curator at Stevenage Museum, added: “There is so much for everyone to see and enjoy at the museum, and we are constantly looking for new ways to celebrate Stevenage. Whilst we do love our current home, relocating gives us the opportunity to be more ambitious and to expand our programme more widely, all the while creating a space for the community to enjoy. We need your help and look forward to hearing people’s views!”.

Morgan Sindall dives into Stevenage Sports and Leisure Hub

Morgan Sindall Construction’s Northern Home Counties business has been appointed by Stevenage Borough Council (SBC) to help deliver a multi-million-pound Sports and Leisure Hub, as part of the town’s wider regeneration plans.

Procured through SCAPE’s National Construction Framework, the project is part of the council’s wider regeneration plans funded by the Government’s Town’s Fund initiative.

Set to be situated adjacent to the main Town Centre Gardens on St George’s Way, it will consolidate Stevenage’s health and wellbeing offering, which is currently positioned across three different sites.

Stevenage Sports and Leisure Hub will be a flexible state-of-the-art facility with swimming, studios, gym space and flexible sports facilities.

Not only will the Stevenage Sports and Leisure Hub deliver significantly improved sports facilities that will promote healthy living for Stevenage residents but it will also provide improved links between The Forum, Town Centre Gardens, Stevenage Old Town, King George V Playing Fields, and residential areas beyond. Throughout construction, local swimming provision will remain in operation.

As part of Morgan Sindall’s Intelligent Solutions approach, the project team will be working closely with SBC to embed sustainability into the design of the facility at all stages.

Morgan Sindall makes a commitment to deliver at least 30% of the contract value in social value to where it is most needed in the communities in which it operates. In line with this, the project team plan to bring its Knowledge Quad to site, exposing young people in Stevenage to career opportunities within the construction industry, which they previously may not have considered.

David Rowsell, area director for Morgan Sindall Construction in the Northern Home Counties, said: “We understand the value of community leisure facilities and how they can act as a springboard for better physical and mental health outcomes.

“Stevenage Sports and Leisure Hub will be a new focal point for the town. Having a new state-of-the-art facility with the whole health and wellbeing offering under one roof, will encourage greater levels of participation in sport, delivering improvements to quality of life across Stevenage.

“We are very proud to be working alongside Stevenage Borough Council to deliver its transformational regeneration plans, as it continues to Level Up its town centre.”

Cllr Richard Henry, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, said: “We are really pleased to have appointed Morgan Sindall to deliver this new Sports and Leisure Hub for Stevenage, with the proposed new facilities modernising and increasing our sports and leisure offering. We need the help of our residents and communities as we progress this scheme, and will be inviting everyone to have their say in the coming months so that the community can help to design a facility with benefits and activities for all. Having recently confirmed Everyone Active as the new operator for our leisure facilities, this is a really exciting time for sports, leisure & culture provision in our town”.

Adrian Hawkins OBE, Chair of the Stevenage Development Board, said: “I can remember the joy and importance attached to our current swimming pool opening in Stevenage and look forward to this new development enhancing our current dated facilities. I am delighted that the Stevenage Development Board secured the funding for this project and what it will mean to so many people. Being specialists in delivering state-of-the-art leisure facilities, we look forward to working with Morgan Sindall in the development of this scheme, further demonstrating the high standards that the Stevenage regeneration schemes is setting.”

Mark Robinson, Group Chief Executive at SCAPE, added: “We are pleased to be supporting our partner, Morgan Sindall in the delivery of a new sports and leisure hub, bringing much-needed facilities to the community of Stevenage. In addition to utilising sustainable methods, the scheme will provide excellent social value opportunities, helping to create a lasting legacy for many years for the local people.

The Guinness Partnership celebrates start of work

The Guinness Partnership, one of England’s largest Housing Associations, held an event to celebrate breaking ground on the first phase of their development at the former Matalan site in Danesgate, Stevenage.

The event was attended by The Guinness Partnership’s Head of Development Delivery, Denise Mulligan, and Lovell Regional Managing Director, Mick Laws as well as representatives from Stevenage Borough Council and Stevenage Development Board and global consultancy, Turner & Townsend.

Lovell Partnerships, the appointed contractors will be starting construction at the prominent town centre site which was granted planning permission in 2021 by Stevenage Borough Council for the development of a new high quality residential community, designed by award-winning architects Maccreanor Lavington.

Thanks to additional funding from Homes England, the overall plans involve the construction of 526 one and two-bedroomed apartments along with 779 sq. m of flexible commercial space located at street level which aims to create active street frontages.

The delivery of the new development will take place in phases, the first of which being two blocks located on the eastern part of the site facing Danestrete and the top end of Danesgate. Phase 1 will provide 143 one and two-bedroomed apartments and all new homes will be offered as affordable tenures, providing a new and very valuable source of low cost homes located in the heart of Stevenage. It will also include one of the internal landscaped gardens serving the development.

The expected construction programme for the first phase is completion by the end of 2024/early 2025. Future phases are expected to follow from 2025 onwards.

Global professional services company, Turner & Townsend, is Guinness’s Project Manager and Employer’s Agent for the contract, having provided consultancy services throughout the pre-construction design and enabling (including demolition) stages of the project.

Jon Milburn, Group Development Director, at The Guinness Partnership said: “We are pleased to start work on this important residential-led regeneration project which very much complements the Borough Council’s ambitions for a vibrant and revitalised town centre. We are grateful for the support and positive approach of Stevenage Borough Council since we first acquired the site, as well as Homes England who have injected vital financial backing to make this project a reality in a challenging economic climate.”

Mick Laws at Lovell Partnerships said: “We are delighted to be partnering Guinness on this construction project which will create a significant number of jobs on-site. We are supporters of the Considerate Constructors Scheme and will ensure, as we always do, that we engage positively with the local community to minimise construction impacts.”

Jonathan Edmondson, Senior Provider Manager at Homes England, said: “Homes England is committed to supporting partners that have ambitions to build new homes and our investment through affordable housing grant allows us to do that. The development of the Matalan site is clear evidence of the impact our Strategic Partnership with Guinness is having in providing much needed new homes in Stevenage.”

Cllr Richard Henry, Leader of the Council at Stevenage Borough Council, said: “It will be great to see work underway on this site, which forms an important part of the overall vision we have for Stevenage town centre. We are transforming the town by introducing new facilities, town centre living, transport infrastructure and activities for all, and our successful partnership working with The Guinness Partnership is helping this to be realised”.

Event Island Stevenage opening on Saturday 29 October

‘Event Island Stevenage’ will make a spooky debut when it opens on Saturday 29 October, with live music, entertainment, and a variety of Halloween themed activities. The new space is located on Danestrete on the site of the former bus station and offers a seasonal programme of events and activities in the heart of the town centre.

Event Island Stevenage will be opening on the same day as Halloween-Tastic 2022. Events taking place include free face painting, scary reptile handling, Halloween themed craft stalls and Harry Potter themed dance performances. The events will be held across the town, including in the Indoor Market, Town Square and Event Island Stevenage.

Cllr Sharon Taylor, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, commented:  “We are so excited to open Event Island Stevenage. This is a space for the community to enjoy, and by activating an area that has historically been largely inaccessible, we are creating a destination that will introduce a variety of uses into the town.  We hope that our residents will enjoy this new space, including all the new greenery and planting that has been introduced. This is the ideal location for many popular events and activities, and I look forward to trying everything that is on offer”.

Cllr Richard Henry, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People, Leisure & Culture, added: “Stevenage has a vibrant arts and culture scene, and Event Island Stevenage will build on this. Whilst we have some activities already planned, there is plenty of further opportunity for communities to get involved and use the space for events and performances. We have listened to ideas as we have programmed events but would encourage groups to get in contact if they wish to use the space!”.

With an activity programme designed in consultation with the local community, Event Island Stevenage offers a green space with new planting, informal play areas, and seating. Celebrating the culture of the town, the space will attract more visitors to the town centre and support our existing businesses.

The space is expected to remain for at least two years before the wider redevelopment begins.

Stevenage Bus Interchange to open on Sunday 26 June

The new Stevenage Bus Interchange on Lytton Way will be opening on Sunday 26 June. The opening will see buses arrive and leave from this date to serve local communities and visitors. From this date, there will be no more services from the existing station on Danestrete.

Designed by Stephen George + Partners (SGP), the Bus Interchange was recently awarded ‘Project of the Year’ at the Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire Constructing Excellence Club Awards 2022. The awards highlight design and innovation in construction.

Construction on the new facility began in late 2020, funded by a £9.6 million Local Growth Fund Investment from Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). Passenger experience is a key focus, with modern facilities such as a climate controlled waiting area with seating, live passenger information boards, a fully accessible toilet and changing facilities, in addition to further unisex toilets with baby changing facilities. A café and shop will additionally be coming soon.

Visitors to the town centre will see an improved public environment with new granite planters, paving and additional seating areas, improving the walkway from the town centre to the Bus Interchange. This includes seating and newly landscaped areas with planted trees and wildflower meadow areas with bulbs to add colour, but also performing a vital role as part of a sustainable drainage strategy. The project has also delivered new coach stands along Lytton Way – a new facility including shelter, seating and live information boards. The new landscaped cycle and walking routes connect the railway station, coach stands and the new Interchange to the Town Centre.

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, said: “This is a really exciting development for Stevenage, offering our communities and visitors an improved bus experience right in the centre of the town. The opening of the award-winning Interchange brings with it modern facilities, an improved public realm and increased accessibility between our main transport hubs. Furthermore, this marks a pivotal moment in our wider regeneration programme, as we look ahead to a proposed new development at the soon-to-be vacant bus station site on Danestrete. We are delighted to have a confirmed opening date and would like to thank all of our partners for helping us to achieve this”.

Cllr Lloyd Briscoe, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise and Transport at Stevenage Borough Council, commented: “We are creating a sustainable travel hub for Stevenage of which the Bus Interchange is a key element. Together with the Interchange, the new multi-storey car park – which is under construction and will include spaces for electric vehicle charging and secure storage for bikes – and the railway station will offer residents and visitors a number of ways to travel”.

Live passenger information boards have been installed within the Interchange, providing real time information as to the status of services to and from the town. These will enable passengers to better plan their travel and be kept informed in real-time regarding their journey.

Adam Wood, Head of Infrastructure & Regeneration and Herts IQ Programme Manager at Hertfordshire LEP, said: “We see this as a game-changer for Stevenage. The Bus Interchange marks the next major step in the reinvigoration of the town centre and demonstrates the importance of carefully targeted public investment to secure major private sector regeneration schemes. We very much welcome the improved connectivity that this new transport Interchange will bring to Stevenage, both for those already travelling around the town and to encourage more people to come for work and leisure.

“The LEP invested £9.6m Local Growth Fund in the Interchange which is a key element of our £34m Local Growth Fund commitment towards the town’s regeneration, which is already providing new homes, public amenities, and retail and business space to maximise the town’s economic potential. We look forward to seeing Stevenage evolve!”

Accessibility between the main transport hubs and town centre has been enhanced, with level access pedestrian crossings across Lytton Way. This provides an alternative route to the bridge.

Simon Mathieson, Area Operations Director – Midlands & South from Arriva, the primary bus operator using the Stevenage Interchange, added: “We are pleased that the new Stevenage Bus Interchange is completed and ready for use, we are excited to see our passengers enjoy the brand-new facilities that this investment into the local transport network will have on them.”

A planning application has been submitted to the local planning authority for proposals to transform the current bus station on Danestrete when the Bus Interchange opens and the existing station becomes vacant.

Schools asked to name the site of the soon-to-be vacant bus station

The current bus station on Danestrete will soon be relocating to the new Bus Interchange, and exciting proposals have been submitted to the local planning authority to transform the existing bus station site on Danestrete. We are asking Stevenage school children to come up with a creative and exciting name for the site and for those children that are feeling extra creative, they are welcome to design a logo for the space. The name and logo must be fun and enticing and encourage people to visit the town, attend the events and enjoy the space.

Proposals for the space include a ‘pop-up park’ with informal play features and natural seating areas that face a performance area. This will allow spectators to enjoy the green space whilst enjoying impromptu performances. In addition to the large park area, we have proposed a multi-purpose events zone, surrounded by seating and canopies. We recognise the importance of this being an active space even without events, so have designed the green spaces, seating and lighting in a way that will provide a relaxed environment for people to enjoy at any time of day.

Cllr Sharon Taylor, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, said: “This will be a space for the community to enjoy, with the proposed designs influenced by feedback we have received about what people would like to see. Although the town centre regeneration will benefit all our residents, it is a real step-change for our younger generation, so who better to name the space but them. We look forward to seeing the entries as they come in!”

Cllr Richard Henry, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People, Leisure & Culture, said: “We are encouraging all those of school age to put their thinking caps on and help us to come up with a new name and logo for this space in the centre of the town. This should be a space for all and we are committed to working with the local community as the designs progress, and we look forward to the decision from the Planning Committee”.

To enter, fill in one of our entry sheets (available from your school or at the Visitors Centre in the Town Square) and tell us what you would call the space and why, plus design a logo to match. Please include your name, your age and your school, and submit your entries by 4pm on Friday 17th June to your school. Stevenage Borough Council will then collect these.

The planning application for the scheme has been submitted to the local planning authority. If approved, construction works are expected to begin in the summer.

Construction work set to begin on new multi-storey car park

Construction is set to begin on a new £9m multi-storey car park for Stevenage. The new car parking facility, to be built on the existing Railway North car park, is being delivered by specialist contractor Huber and was granted planning permission by Stevenage Borough Council in January 2022.

The new parking facility will deliver an increased number of spaces on this site. 622 spaces will be provided – up from 339 on the existing car park – and includes 30 blue badge spaces. Initially 30 spaces will be available for electric vehicles, with capacity to increase charging facilities significantly as demand increases. Secure parking for 80 bikes is included as part of the scheme.

The design of the car park highlights some of the best features of the town, creating a unique car park to support commuters and residents, and the economic growth of Stevenage.

Cllr Sharon Taylor OBE, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council said: “This is a hugely exciting development for Stevenage. Situated at the gateway to the town, we are creating a car park to support commuters and residents and providing an improved experience for those using the facilities. By future proofing the scheme, we are responding to changing customer requirements. The new car park on this site will perfectly complement the Bus Interchange and offer a number of ways for people to travel”.

The construction work means that the Railway North car park will be closing on Monday 23 May, for approximately a year. There is alternative parking provision within the town, and it is recommended to park at St George’s Way Multi-Storey car park (SG1 1EP) or Westgate Multi-Storey (SG1 1QR) car park during this closure.

Cllr John Gardner, Executive Portfolio Holder for Regeneration & Environment at Stevenage Borough Council said: “We understand that there will be a degree of frustration that we are closing the Railway North car park, and we would like to reassure residents that there is alternative parking provision in the town. Our town centre is being transformed through a £1bn regeneration programme, and as part of this, we want to ensure that our town centre is as accessible as possible and that people have travel choices when visiting the town.”

Huber is a specialist Multi storey car park design and build contractor working across the UK with variety of public and private development. Tomer Meirom of Huber said: “We are very excited to take part in the regeneration of Stevenage, the plans are grand, and we are proud to have been chosen to design and build this unique facility in such pivotal place in town. We hope to keep the disturbance to the public to the minimum necessary.”

These improved facilities will offer more for those using the railway station and improve the gateway to Stevenage. Together with the Stevenage Bus Interchange, this development will help to create a sustainable travel hub. By investing in sustainable facilities, including car parking for electric vehicles, secure storage for bicycles and the easy connection to the new bus interchange, people will have choices about how they travel.