Schools asked to name the site of the soon-to-be vacant bus station
School children asked to come up with an exciting name and logo.

The current bus station on Danestrete will soon be relocating to the new Bus Interchange, and exciting proposals have been submitted to the local planning authority to transform the existing bus station site on Danestrete. We are asking Stevenage school children to come up with a creative and exciting name for the site and for those children that are feeling extra creative, they are welcome to design a logo for the space. The name and logo must be fun and enticing and encourage people to visit the town, attend the events and enjoy the space.
Proposals for the space include a ‘pop-up park’ with informal play features and natural seating areas that face a performance area. This will allow spectators to enjoy the green space whilst enjoying impromptu performances. In addition to the large park area, we have proposed a multi-purpose events zone, surrounded by seating and canopies. We recognise the importance of this being an active space even without events, so have designed the green spaces, seating and lighting in a way that will provide a relaxed environment for people to enjoy at any time of day.
Cllr Sharon Taylor, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, said: “This will be a space for the community to enjoy, with the proposed designs influenced by feedback we have received about what people would like to see. Although the town centre regeneration will benefit all our residents, it is a real step-change for our younger generation, so who better to name the space but them. We look forward to seeing the entries as they come in!”
Cllr Richard Henry, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People, Leisure & Culture, said: “We are encouraging all those of school age to put their thinking caps on and help us to come up with a new name and logo for this space in the centre of the town. This should be a space for all and we are committed to working with the local community as the designs progress, and we look forward to the decision from the Planning Committee”.
To enter, fill in one of our entry sheets (available from your school or at the Visitors Centre in the Town Square) and tell us what you would call the space and why, plus design a logo to match. Please include your name, your age and your school, and submit your entries by 4pm on Friday 17th June to your school. Stevenage Borough Council will then collect these.
The planning application for the scheme has been submitted to the local planning authority. If approved, construction works are expected to begin in the summer.
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