Community asked to help shape relocated Stevenage Museum

As part of long-term transformation proposals for Stevenage town centre, the relocation of Stevenage Museum is in its early stages of discussion. This would see the museum relocate from its current home in the under croft of the Church of St Andrew and St George to a space in the centre of the town. Stevenage Borough Council is asking the community to share their views on what they expect from a relocated museum.
Stevenage Museum is a key feature of Stevenage town centre. Showcasing the history of the town, along with a programme of events for all the family, the museum is a much-loved community space that celebrates the arts, culture and history of the UK’s first New Town. It deserves to be celebrated and expanded so that the rich history of the town can continue to be told.
If you’re a resident, community group or business, please complete our survey with your thoughts and ideas on what should be incorporated within a relocated museum. The aim is to create a multi-purpose museum with the flexibility to adapt to different kinds of activities, events and exhibitions.
The closing date for completing the survey is Friday 7 July at 3pm. The survey can be found online via, with hard copies available at Stevenage Museum and Stevenage Central Library.
Cllr Richard Henry, Leader of Stevenage Borough Council, commented: “Our ambition is that this new space is an even better focal point to celebrate the arts and culture of our town, allowing us to better celebrate our heritage. We are the UK’s first New Town and throughout our regeneration we have sought to embed our heritage, arts and culture into the wider programme. The museum project sits at the epicentre of this”.
Cllr Loraine Rossati, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Information Technology, said: “This is only the start of our plan to involve local people and communities in how our museum develops. We have so much history to be proud of across the town, and we encourage everyone to use this opportunity to be part of this journey with the museum”.
Jo Ward, Curator at Stevenage Museum, added: “There is so much for everyone to see and enjoy at the museum, and we are constantly looking for new ways to celebrate Stevenage. Whilst we do love our current home, relocating gives us the opportunity to be more ambitious and to expand our programme more widely, all the while creating a space for the community to enjoy. We need your help and look forward to hearing people’s views!”.
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