Public consultation for £1bn revamp announced

The Comet – SG1 Public Consultation for £1bn revamp announced
Jacob Thorburn
10 July 2019
It’s almost time to have your say on the £1 billion plans to revamp Stevenage’s town centre, as the SG1 public consultation period launches next week.
This consultation for the SG1 plans is the latest part of Stevenage Borough Council’s 20-year regeneration proposal.
The borough council first announced the current 14.5-acre regeneration plans last year.
If approved, residents can expect to see new homes, shops, offices, leisure facilities and public services introduced to SG1 and the surrounding area.
The regeneration will be delivered in phases over the next ten years – with the former police station on Southgate and parking close to Westgate Shopping Centre all earmarked for new development plots.
Sharon Taylor, leader of Stevenage Borough Council, is encouraging as many people as possible to attend the three-day consultation and have their say.
She said: “We are very excited about the SG1 public consultation. SG1 is a major part of our wider regeneration programme and we have been very impressed by the plans for the town centre.
“We hope our residents will be similarly impressed when they see the designs at the event later this month.”
Mace Group Ltd, who worked on The Shard in London, has been selected as the council’s partner for this regeneration project.
Kevin Cowin, development director at Mace, says the company is committed to making Stevenage fit for both today and the future.
He said: “SG1 delivers the council’s vision for the town centre. The places we intend to create will be socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.”
“This is the largest piece of town centre regeneration in eastern England and a project that the town merits given its importance.
“It introduces high quality design that will be truly transformative: new buildings and well-connected landscaped public spaces.”
Mace’s consultation will be held at the former Subway unit in the Plaza in Stevenage Town Centre.
You can attend the event between 10am and 4pm from Friday to Sunday, July 19 to 21.
Comments can also be left online at from now until the end of September.
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