Share your thoughts

We are always happy to hear the thoughts and feedback from the residents of Stevenage with regard to the town's regeneration. If you have a question, comments or query, fill in the form below and we will make sure your comments are viewed and taken on board.


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A new Sports & Leisure Centre for Stevenage: Have Your Say

To find out more, please follow the link below where you can view and comment on the latest information. Make sure you leave your feedback by 5pm on Friday 6 December.

Welcome to Stevenage

Stevenage is experiencing transformational change. A £1bn regeneration programme is delivering a mixed-use town centre reflecting the aspirations of its people, businesses, and recognising its new town heritage and spirit.

Logo Board

Find out about the Stevenage Development Board

£1 billion

Investment being made in Stevenage

awarded through Towns Fund